You don't know what you don't know!
You don’t know what you don’t know is a saying that we at Roots to Roses live by! Absolutely everything is a learning experience and we believe in the importance of sharing our knowledge and experiences. Starting a business was no easy task. We did the leg work & would love to provide free resources that helped along the way!
MN Tax classes: Sourcing of Sales & Intro to Sales and Use Tax
The SBDC offers TONS of resources to small business and is nation wide!! Small Business Development Center
Roots to Roses believes that the world is abundant in all aspects and one of our key values is APPRECIATION! We are blessed beyond belief to have gotten to know, work with, and become friends with many spiritual healers. Here are a few that we wanted to hold space for and express our gratitude. Each person is unique in their modality and offers different services. Check em’ out, check em’ out :)
World Renowned Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Healer: Gary Spivey!
*I have attended multiple of Gary’s retreats and as I have said, they are life changing!
Psychic, Medium, Intuitive Healer, Paranormal Activity: Stephanie Polenz!
Energy Healing Therapy, Spiritual Development, & Metaphysical Exploration: Claire Marie!
*Roots to Roses has no connection or affiliation with the organizations listed on this page​